Woohoo!! Finally!! Another Review moment! How has things been for all you beauties? Things have been supppper dupppper hectic for me but I am so psyched about doing this review [and a few others XD]. Nothing is more relaxing than sitting in my chair and writing about the things I love in life with a soothing cuppa green tea~ahhhhhhh #thisisthelife. Okay enough blabbering, crazy lady [i know whatcha thinkin' oh yea ;)] and get on with the review!!!!
This collection makes me so excited! Catrice. Another German drugstore brand [with the likes of Essence] that gets me all excited and giggling like a silly schoolgirl. This brand not only offers great price but great quality too! How could I possibly resist anything they come out with. I remember going in full-hoarder mode when I was in Germany during my homestay, being so sad that they weren't available back where I came from. [This pretty much also contributed to my crazy overweight baggage in the end, oops.] Imagine how excited I was when I saw it in one of the drugstores back home a year later [*picture me running around a football field likka player who had just scored a winning goal* not a pretty sight YIKES]. Catrice has great things in their permanent range, which I have yet to completely try out all of its amazing products BUT this collection made me so excited with the beautiful pictures and enticing products up on offer.

Such a cool collection. Fierce looking models, edgy colours, what's not to like?! PLUS ANIMAL PRINTS. AHHHHHHHH ok SOLD. Just take mah money already people! The packaging itself was enough to make me stop, look and buy. Don't you just love it when a drugstore brand takes extra effort to make their products look amazing besides their already good quality and price point? Well, I know I do. I realllly had to hold myself back from getting everything in this line. haha seriously, the animal prints are my favourite. After standing there toying with all these beauties, I decided to grab just the lippies, the liquid top coat and the blushes [and run to the check out before I changed my mind and bought every single thing there]. Let me just say, Catrice has got this collection down to a T. The colour concept is just brilliant. The neutrals are edgy yet wearable and the pops of colours are just bold, lusty and to simply die for. Bold, Rich and Brilliant.

First, the Liquid Top Coat. HOW COOL IS THIS?????!!! When I saw this, I knew I had to get it. Granted, I am more of the matte eye look kinda girl but I sometimes don't mind the shimmer and glitter for the fun of it to spruce up any look. Right of the bat, this baby reminded me exactly of the LORAC liquid lustre that various youtube beauty gurus such as emilynoel83 and xsparkage have gushed about. SO COOL. I know, I know, I won't be exactly using this day and night and as often that I would want to, but hey, it is something different and hard to find, especially where I am living. Plus, a makeup junkie can never have to much makeup right? ;D
In natural daylight |
In natural daylight |
In natural daylight |
As you can see from my hand swatch and awkward eye shots [heehee], this liquid top coat sure is pretty! You want the glamorous shimmer and glitter? You got it. The product comes separated within the bottle so be sure to shake it up well and good before using it. It comes in a dropper style packaging and the bottle is glass and the quality of the packaging is great. Sturdy and classy. You only need a TEENY TINY BIT f this to get it to show. To show you guys how it really looks, I just took some of it and dabbed it on my eyeliner only lid. It would be AMAZING over any eyelook with the eyeshadows and all and is pretty easy to remove when you want to without going all over your face. Really really nice! I would say *dupe alert* as an alternative to the lorac liquid lustre!
01 I'm A Survivor |
01 I'm A Survivor |
02 I Got The Flower! |
02 I Got The Flower! |
The blushes were the first too get me in this collection. OMG. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! So beautiful! Everything about them made me hyperventilate. The packaging is cute with the prints #suckerforprints, the imprints on the blushes were cute AND the colours are just PHENOMENAL.Bold bright colours that are just to die for. The pigmentation on these blushes are seriously amazing for the price especially, all you need is a dab for each cheek. I love these kinds of colours for blushes. When blended right, they just give you that amazing out-of-the-cold flushed look. So pretty, perfect for those experiencing Fall and Winter now. But hey, who's to say those in the tropical climates countries [such as myself] can't enjoy these fabulous beauties too? I am floored by these blushes and just cannot get enough of them! I'm A Survivor is a matte bright red with a slight orange lean to it and reminds me so much of the ever-so-famous NARS Exhibit A. Crazy, bright and beautiful. Definitely one of my favourite blushes in my entire collection. I Got The Flower is a pretty matte pink with a muted mauvish lean and is somewhat different from your average blush. Again, so pigmented and pretty and not like anything else I have in my blush collection. These blushes are definitely winners for me!!
Now, *sigh*, once again, the crazy lipstick lady strikes again. Debate on whether to get the lippies or not was definitely the most difficult one for me. Given that I have TONS of lippies [believe me when I say TONS, it's almost illegal], it would be technically not a good idea to not get these. BUUUUUUUUUUUT oh what the heck, I just want them!! Yup there it is, another cave-in moment for me. These colours are me-colours so I just simply could'nt resist the temptation. Boy, am I glad I got them! Lovely colours, I gotta say with the bold red and the more wearable berry-rose.
Swatches in natural daylight Top: I Got The Flower!, Bottom: I'm A Survivor |
In natural daylight: I Got The Flower! |
In natural daylight: I'm A Survivor |
See what I mean? These lippies are the jumbo-pencil style type lipsticks and deliver great colour. Very smooth on the lips and give a nice shine to the lips as you can see. LOVE THESE. And to think I almost walked away without them *GASP* I can definitely see myself busting these out to wear pretty often and am enjoying every single moment of them. Those of you lippy sisters [and bros] out there, you gotta get yourself some of this.
Overall, Catrice has really done a great job with this collection. Colour concept? Tick. Quality? Tick Affordability: Tick again. I definitely highly recommend the blushes and lippies as they are my favourites out of the whole collection. Though I personally passed on the nail lacquers and eyeshadows, swatching them down at the store showed great promise. The nail lacquers especially are amazing. Such gorgeous colours! Any nail junkie might just wanna grab them all! As for the eyeshadows, they were really promising too with good colour payoff and lovely colours. I would definitely want at least one piece from this wild sexy jungle-themed collection anytime!
*For those living in Singapore, Catrice Cosmetics can be found at selected Guardian (and Guardian Plus) stores (such as Ngee Ann City, Paragon and Vivocity)
Anyone else loving this wild and sassy collection? ;)
Stay wild, sexy and free, everyone! RAWR ;)
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